Monday, September 19, 2016

CAM Raleigh: Ornament and Pattern. (Response)

 CAM Raleigh: Ornament and Pattern.

Leonardo Bacan

I was invited to an opening ceremony at the U.S, Department of Education in Washington, D.C.  this Friday.  The Department of Education annually shows the Scholastic Art and Writing, award winning works in their space. From the moment I arrived to D.C., the amount of pattern and ornament I saw was ridiculous, they were everywhere. There were patterns on the floor, on the walls of buildings, and everywhere else.   It was a major coincidence that i had to be in D.C. the same week the Ornament and Pattern assignment or topic was given to us. The City is very Art Deco, and saw many things from the presentation shown to us in class. This made the trip more exciting, having all of these new ideas in your head. I saw the city Differently.

I have now realized that there is Ornament and pattern literally everywhere. In your home on your furniture, outside around the city, on any object, on almost everything. You can't Escape it. It comes naturally and exists in nature and in man made designs... truly mind blowing, I never payed much attention to this topic, but now I see and it is throwing my mind out of head..

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