Sunday, September 4, 2016

ICA Response

Response to artists Ida Applebroog and Susan King.

When analyzing Applebroog's art, and reading the info text next to each piece. The work, in terms of aesthetic appeal, did not interest me or it did not make me feel anything. I really did not care much for it in that moment. I looked through the booklets and tried to figure out the narratives. I looked through the sketchbook pages and was not interested in why I wasn't interested. I just didn't care much. I noticed that there was nearly no skill in her work. Nothing to grab a viewer or at least nothing that grabbed me or wowed me in terms of skill or composition. Although it may wow someone else.

Susan Kingshad a more interesting input in her works. The way she structured the composition in her drawings really made me want to question her choices, it made me wonder, and she showed some skill and capability. I immediately noticed the difference in the work I was looking at, and it highlighted the importance of skill or ability to move a persons thinking, or send a message or generate some kind of segway through concepts. Her ability to make the viewer think naturally. Her work in terms of composition is well thought out and structured. Her choices in characters, and how she placed them is really interesting. Her choices really creates a narrative or drives ideas and plants the seed of inquiry in the viewer. It makes you want to question a little bit. It sparks interest. All this is done even though her skill is still very limited. 

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